英语专四 新闻听力 news 4-7-4(在线收听


Questions 28 to 30 are based on the following news.
The late rainy season storm sweeps across Bangkok,sending sheets of rain down, forcing traffic to a crawl, and quickly flooding low-lying areas.
(28) Flooding is a regular feature of this city of 10 million. Usually the water drains away within a few hours. But some climate experts and city planners say future floods may cause lasting damage because of rising sea waters.
Batteries of reports warn of the threat of rising waters to this city and other lowlying communities. (29) The conservation group WWF lists Bangkok alongside Dhaka, Manila,Jakarta,Calcutta,Phnom Penh,Ho Chi Minh City and Shanghai as some of the most vulnerable to massive flooding.
And the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on climate change lists Bangkok among the 20 major cities at risk of being swamped by rising sea levels. Samith Dhannasaroja is the former head of Thailand’s metrological department. He gained fame by warning that Thailand’s coasts were vulnerable to tsunamis.
The warnings were ignored until the deadly December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. (30) Now Samith warns that rising sea levels could swamp Bangkok within two decades. He says the issue has received little public attention, and unless something is done, Bangkok could be flooded permanently.
News 7
Questions 28 to 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item , you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the news.
28.Bangkok has a population of____.
A.1  million        B. 5 million
C.8    million     D. 10 million
29. WWF lists Bangkok alongside_____flooding.
A. Dhaka
 B. Jakarta
C. Shanghai 
D. all of the above
30. Samith warns that rising sea levels could swamp Bangkok within_____
A. 5 years 
B. a decade
C. two decades 
D. three decades?
News 7
29.D细节题。WWF将曼谷、达卡、马尼拉、雅加达、加尔各答、金边、胡志明市和上海 列人最容易发生大洪水的城市名单中,因此选D。
30.C细节题。撒米斯警告说曼谷将在未来20年内因海平面上升而被淹没,因此 选C。