澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚薪资涨幅不及通胀 民众生活水平下滑(在线收听

The wages of Australian workers are growing at the slowest pace since records began.

Figures from the Australian bureau of statistics show the wage price index rose by just 0.4% for the last quarter, yearly growth to March was 2.1%, down from the 2.2% recorded in December.

It's the slowest rate in almost 20 years when records were first taken back in 1998.

The weakness in pay rises is particularly evident in the private sector where wages edged up just 1.9% over the year to March.

Public servants and other government workers saw a 2.5% pay increase.

Recent wage price numbers played a big part in the reserve bank's decision to slash inflation forecasts earlier this month.

The Australian dollar has fallen after the release of those weak figures, it's down below 73 us cents.

Turning to the markets and looking at the movers Blackmores is one of the weakest performers followed by Bellamys, Graincorp and Dulux are also on the rise along with bhp billiton.








接下来我们将视线转到股市,表现最差的是布莱克摩尔公司,紧随其后的是的贝拉米, Graincorp及多乐士随着必和必拓一起缓慢上升。
