澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国退欧公投结果引发政坛大地震 澳大利亚大选火热进行中(在线收听

Three Australians and a New Zealander who'd been kidnapped in southern Nigeria have been released. The men were in a group driving on the outskirts of the city of Calabar on Wednesday when they were attacked by gunmen. A fourth Australian man was able to escape, but their Nigerian driver was killed. The group work for the Perth-based mining company Macmahon Holdings. The company hasn't said if it paid a ransom.

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned her country's parliament could veto Britains exit of the European Union — saying her priority is Scotland, which voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU. The shadow cabinet is also feeling the effects, with almost half of the party's frontbench resigning; and more walkouts expected in protest at Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.

As the final week of election campaigning begins, latest polling shows support for the Coalition has jumped to a 14-week high. A newspoll in today's Australian shows that on a two-party preferred basis, the Coalition has edged ahead of Labor, leading 51 per cent to 49 per cent. The Coalition's primary vote has risen two points to 43 per cent, while the opposition made no gains.

One hundred and twelve immigration officers have been caught in the last 12 months selling visas for sex, according to a senior border force official. An ABC 7.30 investigation with Fairfax Media has discovered that in the last 12 months, border force chief Michael Pezzullo has referred 132 cases of suspected corruption, claiming that nothing is being done to stamp out the problem.




