澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳男子在黎巴嫩获释 特朗普将公布竞选搭档(在线收听

An Australian man held in Lebanon over a botched child recovery operation has been granted bail and will be allowed to leave the country. Adam Whittington was arrested and held in Lebanon along with Australian mother Sally Faulkner and a Channel 9 crew. Ms. Faulkner and the 60 Minutes team were released and returned to Australia in April. In a statement on facebook, Mr. whittington's supporters have described it as "great news" that the man nicknamed "Skippy" Is finally com ing home.

Police in Melbourne are extending their search for missing mother Karen Ristevski. Her family made an emotional plea for information yesterday, as police revealed they hold grave concerns for Mrs. Ristevski safety. He has not used her bank accounts or mobile phone since she disappeared two weeks ago.

The head of the Australian Medical Association is suggesting the government revisit the concept of a GP co-payment. The federal government proposed a seven-dollar co-payment in the 2014 budget but abandoned the idea after a backlash. AMA president Michael Gannon says the original proposal didn't protect vulnerable patients. But Dr. Gannon has told ABC's AM that he's open to examining other models.

Speculation is mounting in the United States where the presumptive Republican candidate, Donald Trump, is due to announce his vice-presidential running mate. The New York times and CNN are reporting it will be the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence.




