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The top stories from ABC News.

The ACT's chief minister Andrew Barr has claimed victory for Labor in the territory's election. The ABC election computer has given 11 seats to Labor, 10 to the Liberals and one to the Greens with three undecided.

Almost 1 in 5 children are living in poverty — that’s according to the latest report by the Australian Council of Social Service. The report shows more than seven hundred thousand Australian children live below the poverty line despite more than 25 years of economic growth.

French president Francois Hollande has led a memorial in Nice for the 86 people killed when a truck was driven into crowds celebrating Bastille Day. The ceremony took place on a hill overlooking the scene of the attack. Tunisian-born Mohamed Bouhlel drove a 19-tonne truck into a crowd, before police shot him dead.

And Tim Cahill has scored his first a-league goal in spectacular fashion helping Melbourne City defeat cross town rivals Melbourne Victory. The socceroo star's long-range effort sent City on its way to a thrilling 4-1 derby win.





