
Renée takes center stage


Earning major Oscar buzz for playing Judy Garland, the star reflects on surviving the spotlight—and finding peace


Renée Zellweger is explaining why one of her favorite smells is a dog's ear.


Curled into a chair in a small ballroom of a hotel in Toronto on Sept. 8, the actress giggles despite her long day. "They always smell like puppy breath!" she insists.


Zellweger's own two rescues, Chester and Ellie, had to stay behind in Los Angeles, and it's obvious the actress is missing them—though she also doesn't mind the chance to sleep in.


"Not that big ol' 110 lbs. of snout at 5 a.m.," she says. "I don't even know if they're hungry; they just want me to be up. Like, 'You awake? Because there's so much we could be doing!' "


Zellweger, 50, has come to understand the importance of alone time.


The Texas native became a breakout sensation in 1996 after starring with Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire and cemented her place as America's spunky, quirky sweetheart with the Bridget Jones movies.


But from 2010 to 2016 she took a much-needed break from Hollywood and largely disappeared from the public eye. "I think I was really tired," she told People in 2016.


A grueling schedule and intense public scrutiny of her relationships (and later her looks) had left Zell weger briefly depressed and burned out.

繁重的日程安排和公众对她的人际关系(以及后来她的长相)的密切关注让泽尔·韦格(Zell weger)一度感到沮丧和疲惫。

Her return three years ago for Bridget Jones's Babymarked a new beginning for the actress.


Now her portrayal of screen legend Judy Garland in the new biopic Judy is already making her a front-runner for this year's Oscars.


Zellweger plays Garland in the final months of her life in 1968-'69, at age 46, battling an addiction to pills and facing bankruptcy.


"The irony is that Renée is a really feet-on-the-ground, stable, grown-up, very clean- living, self-sufficient woman," says Judy director Rupert Goold.

“具有讽刺意味的是,蕾妮是一个脚踏实地、稳重、成熟、生活非常干净、自给自足的女人,”朱迪导演鲁珀特?戈尔德(Rupert Goold)说。

"In some ways it's so unlikely for her to play this sort of highly emotional, all-over-the-place, addicted, damaged personality." But for Zellweger the role hit closer to home.


"Well, I mean, I have a little bit of understanding about what it's like to live with a public persona," she says.


"I understand the vast gulf between what is written about that persona and the truth of their life."


The actress completely transformed herself for the role by studying biographies, personal audio recordings, even bootleg music performances of the veteran actress and singer.

