
The Matt Lauer Scandal: shocking new allegations


Nearly two years after the Today anchor was fired for sexual misconduct, his once anonymous accuser goes public


Since Matt Lauer was fired from NBC in2017 amid shocking sexual-misconduct allegations, the disgraced Today star, 61, had all but disappeared from the public eye, living a quiet life in the Hamptons, New York City's wealthy beachy outpost.

自从马特·劳尔(Matt Lauer)在2017年因令人震惊的不当性行为指控而被美国全国广播公司(NBC)解雇以来,这位现年61岁、名誉扫地的《今日》(Today)明星几乎从公众视野中消失了,他在纽约富裕的海滨小镇汉普顿(Hamptons)过着平静的生活。

But now explosive new details about the iconic morning-show host have emerged, and Lauer—once one of the highest-paid employees of the network—is again under fire.


In the new book Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators, journalist Ronan Farrow interviewed former NBC news employee Brooke Nevils, 35, who filed the sexual-misconduct complaint against Lauer that led to his termination.

在新书《捕捉与杀戮:谎言、间谍和保护捕食者的阴谋》(Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect)中,记者罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)采访了前NBC新闻员工、35岁的布鲁克·奈维尔斯(Brooke Nevils)。她对劳尔提出了不当性行为指控,导致他被解雇。

At the time she remained anonymous, and the details of her accusations weren't made public. Now, however, she is telling her story in its entirety.


In Farrow's book Nevils alleges that Lauer anally raped her in his hotel room during the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia.


She was working for former Today coanchor Meredith Vieira, who'd returned to do Olympics coverage, when they ran into Lauer at the hotel bar one night.

她的老板梅雷迪思·维埃拉(Meredith Vieira)曾是《今日》(Today)节目的联合主播,后来又回来做奥运会报道。一天晚上,她和劳尔在酒店的酒吧偶遇。

Nevils, who says she had six shots of vodka, said by the end of the evening, she was in Lauer's hotel room at his invitation.


It was then that, Nevils alleges, he kissed her, then pushed her onto the bed, turned her over and asked if she liked anal sex.


Farrow writes that Nevils "declined several times," replying at one point, "No that's not my thing," but Lauer allegedly "just did it."


Farrow notes that Nevils said, "The encounter was excruciatingly painful: 'It hurt so bad. I remember thinking, Is this normal?' She told me she stopped saying no but wept silently into a pillow."


Nevils, who says she "bled for days" afterward, explained to Farrow in the book, "It was noncon-sensual in the sense that I was too drunk to consent.


It was nonconsensual in that I said, multiple times, that I didn't want to have anal sex."


Nevils admits they went on to have more sexual encounters after returning to New York City but adds, "It was completely transactional. It was not a relationship."


In response, Lauer, whose divorce from wife of nearly 21 years Annette Roque was finalized in September (the couple share three children, ages 18, 16 and 12), wrote a letter in which he called the rape allegation "outrageous" and "salacious."

作为回应,劳尔写了一封信,称强奸指控是“无耻的”和“淫荡的”。他与结婚近21年的妻子安妮特·罗克(Annette Roque)于去年9月离婚(两人共有三个孩子,年龄分别为18岁、16岁和12岁)。

Lauer says the affair was "consensual," adding that any accusation of assault is "categorically false, ignores the facts and defies common sense."


A source close to Lauer says the ousted host feels he's been treated unfairly. "Matt believes that he is innocent of this charge and feels angry over the accusation.


He said he did have a very casual consensual relationship with Nevils but no violence of any kind, and he intends to defend himself."

