
The Rolling Boil That Cools Your Food


When you think of something boiling, you probably picture a pot on the stove, but there's another kitchen appliance that brings liquid to a boil, not to heat food, but cool it. It sounds crazy, but household refrigerators keep food cold by bringing liquid fluorocarbon to a boil.


How Does This Work?


Fluorocarbon coolant flows through two sets of coils in your fridge, absorbing heat inside and releasing it outside, into your kitchen. You've probably seen one set of coils behind the fridge, in back. That's where heat's released. Hidden inside the fridge is the other set of coils, where heat's absorbed.


It's inside these hidden coils that liquid coolant comes to a boil. What makes the coolant boil? The secret is in the relationship between pressure and boiling point. When pressure changes, so does the temperature at which a substance comes to a boil.


As the liquid coolant passes through a valve into the hidden coils, the pressure drops. This pressure change makes the coolant's boiling point drop below the chilly temperature in the fridge. So, some of the coolant boils immediately and evaporates into a gas inside the coil. Evaporation uses up lots of heat energy. As the coolant continues to boil and evaporate, it absorbs heat from the air in the fridge, making it even colder inside. So that’s how boiling fluorocarbon cools your food.

随着液体冷却剂经过一个阀门进入内置盘管,压强就会降低。压强的变化使冷却剂的沸点降到比冰箱内部的低温还要低。这样,部分冷却剂立即沸腾,在盘管内汽 化。汽化作用会消耗掉大部分热能。随着冷却剂不停地沸腾汽化,冰箱中空气的热量被吸收,使得冰箱内部温度更低。沸腾的碳氟化物就是这样冷却了食物。
