纽约时报 特朗普对联合国气候警告视而不见(2)(在线收听

Mr. Trump’s announcement last year prompted a show of solidarity from the other 194 countries that signed the accord,


not to mention American political and business leaders who rallied under the slogan, “We are still in!”


But to populists like Mr. Bolsonaro, Mr. Trump’s demands that the United States be given a better deal could prove appealing.


“To the extent that we get these narrow-minded, so-called nationalist, populist leaders, we could have a big problem,”


said John P. Holdren, who served as President Barack Obama’s chief science adviser.


“Brazil, with its huge area of forests, is going to suffer terribly from climate change.”


Beyond the domino effect, Mr. Holdren, who is now a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School,


said there were other immediate costs to what he called “the squandering of U.S. leadership on an acute global issue.”


Mr. Trump, who has mocked the science of human-caused climate change,


cut the American contribution to a global fund that supports climate mitigation and assistance efforts in developing countries by two-thirds, to $1 billion.


He has tried to cut government funding of climate-related research — an effort that Congress has so far resisted.

他还试图削减政府对气候相关研究的资助 - 但此举一直受到了国会的抵制。

The White House issued no public response to the United Nations report,


which was issued Monday in South Korea at a meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,


a group of scientists convened by the United Nations to guide world leaders.


“Not today,” said Bill Shine, the White House communications director. “It’s a Kavanaugh night.”

“今天不行,”白宫通讯主任比尔·希恩回应道。 “今夜是属于卡瓦诺的。”

After Mr. Trump returned Monday from Orlando, Fla., where he spoke to a convention of police chiefs and referred to the hurricane now approaching that state,


he attended a White House ceremony to swear in Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

之后他参加了在白宫举行的法官布雷特·M. 卡瓦诺宣誓就任最高法院副法官的就职仪式。

Following the ceremony, Lindsay E. Walters, a deputy press secretary, said,


“The United States is leading the world in providing affordable, abundant and secure energy to our citizens,


while protecting the environment and reducing emissions through job-creating innovation.”


She noted that carbon dioxide-related emissions declined 14 percent in the United States from 2005 to 2017, while they rose 21 percent globally during the same period.

