夏说英语新闻晨读 第623期:人脸识别科技在旧金山遭拒(在线收听

San Francisco, long one of the most tech-friendly and tech-savvy cities in the world, is now the first in the United States to prohibit its government from using facial-recognition technology. The ban is part of a broader anti-surveillance ordinance that the city's Board of Supervisors approved on Tuesday. The ordinance, which outlaws the use of facial-recognition technology by police and other government departments, could also spur other local governments to take similar action.

long: adv. 长期地

tech-friendly: 对科技友善的

environment-friendly: 对环境友好的

reader-friendly: 对读者友好的

listener-friendly: 对听者友好的

user-friendly: 对用户友好的

savvy: n. 精通;vi. 理解;懂;知道

computer-savvy: 对电脑精通的

web-savvy: 对上网精通的

prohibit: vt. 禁止

prohibition: n. 禁止

facial-recognition: n. 人脸识别

ban: n. 禁令

surveillance: n. 监督;监视

approve: vt. 批准;通过

ordinance: n. 法令

outlaw: vt. 宣布……为非法 n. 法外之徒

spur: vt. 刺激;促使 n. 马刺
