澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 印尼大选结果引发暴力冲突 英要求首相梅辞职呼声高涨(在线收听

Indonesian police have arrested more than 250 people during another night of violent protests over the re-election of president Joko Widodo. The new clashes between rioters and police, followed the death of six protesters. Authorities say they were not responsible for the killings. President Joko Widodo has promised action saying he won't tolerate Indonesia's unity being threatened.


Five days on from Labor's shock election defeat, the party's getting closer to choosing a new leader. Nominations for the leadership open this morning, with Anthony Albanese the only declared candidate so far after Chris Bowen pulled out of the race. Shadow finance minister Jim Chalmers is still to decide whether he'll run. Some senior members of the ALP are encouraging him to stand, saying an uncontested ballot would weaken the leadership process.


There's new calls for British prime minister Theresa May to resign after a backlash against her latest Brexit plan. Mrs May says she will set a timetable to handover to a new leader after MP's vote on her proposals on the 7th June, but some politicians are pushing for her to go now. She insists it's the British parliament's "last chance" to secure an exit from the EU.

