《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第4集07:教育水准江河日下(在线收听

And Damon's not dangerous.


You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother.


You know, like major, deep-rooted drama.

根深蒂固 非常戏剧性的成见

Like...?I'm not really supposed to say anything.


Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secreat in your life Ok.

卡罗琳 你这辈子什么时候守住过一个秘密了 好吧

But you can't tell Elena.No.

但是你不能跟埃琳娜讲 不会的

So what you gonna buy me?Ugh, some class.

你打算给我吃些什么"甜头" 我要去上课

Oh, your parents are gone. I guess you can be close now.

你父母都走了 我想你现在能跟我亲近了

What the hell does that mean?


You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it.

你待我如粪土 我已经厌倦了

I don't think you're trash.


Really? Then who are you taking to the founder's party?

是吗 那你要带谁去参加创立者派对

Vicki Donovan.Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party?

薇姬·多诺万 你想我邀请你去创立者派对吗

No.It'll be stupid and lame.True.

不想 肯定又傻又没劲 这倒是

But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there.

但如果你在场的话 就不会那么差劲了

You realize you had to ask him to ask you, right?

你心里很清楚是你求他带你去的 对吧

You figure if you dress up like


A respectable young lady,He'll finally treat you like one?

高雅得体的年轻女士 他就会认真对待你吗

Screw you, Jeremy.You know you're making the wrong choice,

去你的吧 杰里米 你知道你在犯错

Yet you make it anyway.It's sad.I didn't know you were here.

你还是义无反顾地去做 好可悲 我不知道你在这儿

Just going through Stefan's homework.


This country sure has dumbed down in at last hundred years.


Why he wants to go to high school is beyond me.


I mean, in the seventies, he went ivy league.

我的意思是 七十年代 他去常春藤盟校

Harvard, I understood.Actually, no. I didn't get that either.

去哈佛 我能理解 不 其实那个我也不是很理解
