《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集11:超级粉丝(在线收听

It was very nice what you did for Stefan.


Very romantic.Well, I was feeling romantic.Look what I found.

非常浪漫 我当时感觉很浪漫 看我找到了什么

"Elena Gilbert,"Take one tablet every 4 to 6 hours, as needed for pain."

埃琳娜· 吉尔伯特 每4到6个小时服一粒 缓解疼痛

Those are left over from the car accident.


So she won't miss them.No, not with that. That's an antique.

所以她现在也不需要了 别 别用那个 那是个古董

I feel like we're always getting high.


That's the beauty of choice.Well, then let's choose not to.

选择的美妙性正在于此 那我们可以选择不吸

I mean, we don't have to be high all the time, right?

我是说 我们没必要一直亢奋 不是吗

I really hope you're not one of those guys


Who, now that we're together, tries to change everything about me.

一旦跟我在一起 就想方设法改变我的一切

No.Good.I'm an avid reader, a huge Fitzgerald fan,

不会 那就好 我是书虫 菲茨杰拉德的超级粉丝

The great gatsby, his masterpiece.

《了不起的盖茨比》 他的杰作

But I'm no snob.I love some good Grisham.

不过我不是势利眼 我喜欢格里斯汉姆的一些佳作

I think Seinfeld is the best American television show


For the past 50 years,But I love Lucy is all-time.

但仅仅是针对过去的50年而言 而《我爱露西》则是史上最棒的

"The loving cup" episode was the best, I think.Huge Scorsese fan.

我觉得"爱之杯"是最棒的一集 西科塞斯的超级粉丝

I can watch Taxi Driver over and over again.Here, let me.

我能把《出租车司机》看一遍又一遍 我来吧

As far as music, it's pretty much across the board.

至于喜欢的音乐 那就广了

Um, Dylan, Hendrix, Patsy, Willie.

迪伦 亨德里克斯 裴西 威利

Oh, Kanye. You know what, I even like that one Miley song.

肯伊 我连麦莉的有首歌都喜欢

Easy.I didn't say anything.

放松点 我可什么都没说

Hey, this is for the Garlic Bread, right?

这是用来做蒜蓉面包的 对吗

Because I'm not eating garlic Unless you agree to, too.

因为我是不会吃蒜的 除非你也吃

Are you kidding? I love garlic.

开什么玩笑 我喜欢大蒜
