《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集16:老年痴呆(在线收听

His uncle, Zach?Mm-mmm. Joseph.I'm sorry, sir.

他叔叔 是扎克吗 不是 是约瑟夫 抱歉 先生

I don't think I'm familiar with the story.


Oh, how could you?I mean, this happened years ago.

你当然不可能听过 我是说 已经是很多年前的事了

Grandpa, you gotta go. Mom wants you home.

爷爷 你得走了 妈妈要你回家

Ok?He wasn't bugging you, was he?

好吗 他没有烦你吧

He's a little alzy-heimer.No, he was sweet.Hey, sir,

他有点老年痴呆 没有 他很和蔼 等等 先生

I'm sorry. Um, are you sure That the man that you saw,

抱歉 你确定 昨天你看到的那个人

That you knew, his name was Stefan Salvatore?

你认识的那个人 他叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托吗

Yes.I remember his ring and his brother Damon? - Yeah.

我确定 我记得他的戒指和他的哥哥 达蒙 -是的

Stefan and Damon Salvatore.


When was this?


It was early June, 1953.Yeah.June, 1953.

那是1953年 6月初 没错 就是1953年6月
