《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第5集20:世界遵循的规律(在线收听

I didn't see you at the car wash.


Left early.Honey, are you ok Anything you want to talk about?

我提前离开了 宝贝 你还好吗 有什么想谈谈的吗

Is it a boy thing?


Mom, if I want to talk boys, I'll call dad.

妈 如果我想谈论男生 我会给爸爸打电话

At least he's successfully dating one.Dear diary,I'm not a believer.

至少他成功地钓到了一个男人 亲爱的日记 我不是一个信徒

People are born, they grow old, and then they die.

人们出生 变老 最后死亡

That's the world we live in.


There's no magic, no mysticism,No immortality.

没有魔法 没有神秘 没有永生

There's nothing that defies rational thought.


I don't know what's happening to me.I know, dear.Logan?Logan?

我不知道我怎么了 我明白 亲爱的 罗根 罗根
