《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集08:不想重回战场(在线收听

You knew Katherine 1864?Damon made it seem like-Damon was trying to make you think that.

你在1864年认识了凯瑟琳 达蒙让我觉得...达蒙想要让你觉得

I was still heartbroken.He saw that I was happy with you,And he wanted to ruin it.

我依然陷在悲伤之中 他看见我和你在一起很开心 他想搞破坏

All because you loved the same women 145 years ago?


She wasn't just any girl.I win. what's my prize?

她不是一般的女孩 我赢了 有什么奖励

What would you like it to be?They extended your leave?

你想要什么奖励 他们延长了你的假期?

I was simply having too much fun to return to battle.

我在家玩得太开心 不想重回战场

Your commitment to the confederacy is inspiring.


Well, this works out wonderfully for me.How's that, Miss Katherine?

我觉得如此甚好 此话怎讲 凯瑟琳小姐

Now I'll have both of you here to keep me entertained.


First and foremost,I'll need someone to escort me to the founder's ball.

首先 我需要一个人陪我出席创始人舞会

With pleasure. - I would be honored.

非常乐意 -荣幸之至

The smart and kind salvatore brothers both coming to my escort.How will I ever choose?

聪明与和蔼的塞尔瓦托兄弟 都要做我的护花使者 我要如何选择呢
