《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集12:含着金钥匙出生(在线收听

My mom spends most of her time In Virginia beach with Pete.

我妈大多数的时间都和皮特 在弗吉尼亚沙滩上享乐

He drives trucks.I don't remember my dad, but from what I gather,

他是个开卡车的 我不记得我爸爸什么样了 但据我所知

He's not worth remembering.Your life is so pathetic.

他也不值得我记住 你的生活真可悲

Yeah. I mean, I'm the screwed-up one.Matt's got it so easy.He's the golden boy.

是的 我命运多舛 而马特却能轻易得到一切 他是含着金钥匙出生的

I mean, he's gonna get a football scholarship And marry Elena

他会拿到橄榄球奖学金 会和埃琳娜结婚

And have a lawn mower and some babies,And when I think of my future, I just come up blank.

还会拥有一台割草机 再生几个小孩 而当我设想我的未来的时 却一片空白

You are so damaged.Yep.I mean, you don't have one hint of self-esteem.

你真是个受伤的小羔羊 是啊 你的自尊都被糟蹋光了

Nope, none.I think I know what can help you.

没有了 一点都没了 我想我知道怎样可以帮助你

So what's that?Death.

怎样 死
