《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第6集14:控制心智(在线收听

You ever staked a vampire before?Have you?Coming!

你以前钉死过吸血鬼吗 你有过吗 来了

The sun is killing me. My eyes are on fire.

太阳要我的命了 我双眼像着火似的

Where have you been?It's good. Everything's good.

你去哪里了 没事 一切都很好

Did something happen?I'm hungry.

发生什么事了吗 我饿了

What do you got to eat?You're high?

有什么吃的吗 你嗑药了吗

Vicki, it's the middle of the day.

薇姬 现在是中午

Could you just not talk so loud?


My head, it hurts.I need quiet.

我的头很痛 我要静一下

The mind control...You said Katherine used.

关于控制心智 你说凯瑟琳对你用过

Do you ever do that to me?No.

你对我这样做过吗 没有

That necklace,It contains an herb called vervain.

这条项链 里面装有一种叫马鞭草的草药

It protects you from being compelled.


I wanted to protect you from Damon's influence.


But I also wanted to...Protect you from me.

我也想 保护你不受我影响

Elena, you should never take that necklace off.

艾琳娜 无论如何也不要摘下那条项链

Because no matter what happens after today,

因为今天之后 不论发生什么

No matter how you feel about me.


You'll know that you were free to make your own choice.

