July ---by Edward Thomas Naught moves but clouds,and in the glassy lake there doubles and the shadow of my boat. The boat itself stirs only when I break this drowse of heat and solitude afloat to prove if what I see be bird or mote, or learn if yet the shore woods be awake.
Long hours since dawngrew,-spread, -and passed on high and deep below,-I have watched the cool reeds hung over images more cool in imaged sky: Nothing there was worth thinking of so long; all that the ringdoves say,far leaves among, brims my mind with content thus still to lie. 七月 万物宁静,唯有流云,晶莹的湖泊, 云影缓移,浮泛着舟影。 扁舟轻荡,我用桨儿划破 沉沉的炎热,和迷离的寂寞; 为了辨认:望见的是鸟抑或纤尘, 为了探明:湖畔树林是否苏醒。
晨曦早已微明-弥漫 -飘向晴空 又溶于碧波;我久久凝视冷冷的芦苇, 影入云天毵毵的水中,凉意更浓; 在这悠悠的时光,物我两忘; 远处树丛,斑尾鸽喁喁细语, 我静卧谛听,恍惚置身仙境。 |