《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第7集第3期:特别的指南针(在线收听

Sorry. Oh, no, it's cool. I'm done You are up early. Where are you going?

不好意思 噢 没关系 我已经好了 你起这么早 是要去哪儿

Police station. They are organizing A search party for Vicky, so...

警察局 他们组织了 寻找薇姬的搜寻队 所以

Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?

等等 你不是应该去上学吗

You are kidding me, right?You shouldn't skip school.

你在跟我开玩笑 是吧 你不应该逃课的

If they find her, we will know.That's what cellphones are for.

如果他们找到了她 我们会知道的 大家不是都有手机吗

Your lips keep moving. I don't know why.

你唠叨个不停 我完全听不懂

Yeah?Matty?Vicky, where are you? Are you OK?

喂 马特 薇姬 你在哪儿 你还好吧

Yeah, I'm OK.Tell me where you are. I'll come and get you.

嗯 我很好 告诉我你在哪儿 我来接你

No, Matty. I just need some time To figure things out.

不要 马特 我需要一些时间 去想清楚一些事情

Just know that I'm OK. Please don't worry about me.

你只要知道我没事就行了 别担心我

I don't understand why I have to stay cooped up here


Why can I just go home?Because you are changing, Vicky.

我为什么不能回家 因为你正在转化 薇姬

And it is not something you want to do alone.

如果我们不帮你 你会非常痛苦

There is nothing about that Logan guy I killed in here.

关于我杀的那个罗根 报上一点消息也没有

Not a word.Someone has covered it up.What is that?

一个字都没提 有人掩饰了这件事 那是什么

It's a very special, very old compass.

一个非常古老 非常特别的指南针

What was Logan Fell doing with it.Aren't you curious?

罗根·费尔试图用它干什么事 你就不好奇吗

Well, If you are so worried that somebody is onto you


Why don't you just leave town, Damon?

你为什么不干脆离开这个镇 达蒙

we should all be worried.Hey, I'm hungrey.Do you have anything to eat?

我们都应该有所提防 嘿 我饿了 你们有什么吃的吗
