《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第2期:情绪波动很大(在线收听

Where did Vicki say she was going?She didn't.

薇姬说她要去哪儿 她没说

Did she tell her brother where she was going?


No. She didn't say anything to me.

没有 她什么也没跟我说

She told Jeremy to tell me she was leaving town.


Well, is there anyone I can talk to

那么 有没有谁能够告诉我

That may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town?

在她离开小镇之前 到底发生了什么

Stefan Salvatore may know.


He came by the house to see her,But she wouldn't talk to him.

他到我们家来看薇姬 但薇姬不想跟他说话

What was he doing there?I was trying to help her.

他去那儿是要干什么 我是为了帮她

I knew that Elena was worried about her brother.


He was dating Vicki, and she had a drug problem,So I tried to help.

他在和薇姬谈恋爱 而薇姬是个瘾君子 所以我想帮忙

So you got involved because Elena asked you to?


I asked Stefan to help.


I thought that by helping Vicki,He was helping my brother.

我觉得他如果能帮到薇姬 就等于是在帮助我弟弟

What was her behavior like those last few days before she left?


Up and down.Very sketchy,Like she was coming down from some major party.

情绪波动很大 躁动亢奋 像是刚从狂欢派对上疯野归来

Any signs of aggression or violence?


Not that I remember.No. - No.So you believe Vicki really has left town?

我不记得有 没有 -没有 所有你相信薇姬是真的已经离开小镇了吗

Yes.Yes Yes.I'll miss her, but I think it's for the best.

是的 是的 是的 我很想念她 但是 她的离开对我们大家都好
