《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第3期:意外的惊喜(在线收听

I was tryin' to help her, Matt.That's all.

我当时是想帮她的 马特 仅此而已

I'll meet you guys at the car.Ok.You ok?

我待会儿去车上找你们 好的 你没事吧

I don't think the sheriff suspected anything.


Jeremy had no memory at all.All he knew was what Damon made him know.

杰里米根本什么都想不起来 他所知道的 仅仅是达蒙强迫他记住的东西

Thank you.I can't do this, Stefan.Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy,

谢谢 我坚持不下去了 斯特凡 每次我看到马特或杰里米的时候

All I think is that Vicki is never gonna come back,

我就会想到 薇姬再也不可能回来了

And they'll never know why.


Around you, people get hurt, and people die,And I just--I-- It's just too much. I-

在你身边 人们受伤或是死掉 而我 我 实在太难以承受了 我

Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it?No.

我们找个地方好好谈谈吧 不要

Stefan, you have to stay away from me.

斯特凡 你必须跟我保持距离

Hello, Lexi.What an unexpected surprise.Unexpected surprise?

你好 莱西 多么意外的惊喜 意外的惊喜

I think the wrong brother went back to high school.


How long you here for?Just for Stefan's b-day.

你准备待多久 给斯特凡庆完生就走

Aww. You mean you didn't come all this way to see me?Heh. That's it, Damon.

如此说来 你不是专程见我来的 好了 达蒙

After a century, I finally realized Death means nothing without you.

过了一个世纪后 我终于发现 没有了你 "死亡"毫无意义

Do me.Aw, why are you so mean to me?

来上我吧 为什么你对我如此刻薄

Uh, have you met you?You're not a nice person.

你还不了解自己吗 你不是一个好人

Well, because I'm a vampire.But you're only the bad parts.

对 因为我是吸血鬼 但你只是邪恶的吸血鬼

Teach me to be good.I'm older, and that means stronger.

教我怎样变善良 我比你年长 意味着我更强

Sorry. - Don't ruin my time with Stefan,'Cause I'll hurt you.

抱歉 -不要破坏我和斯特凡的好时光 因为我会对付你

And you know I can do it.Yeah.

你知道我做得到 对
