《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第5期:晚上出没(在线收听

Yeah?Send him in.Mr. Salvatore, come on in.

什么事 让他进来 塞尔瓦托先生 进来

Uh, could you get the door for me? - Sure.

你能关上门吗 当然

I understand from Mrs. Lockwood That your uncle's out of town.Yes, he is.

我从洛克伍德镇长那里了解到 你叔叔离开这个镇了 对 没错

Um, but I spoke with Zach.


He filled me in and asked if I could bring this to you.Vervain.

他告诉我 要我把这个东西给你 马鞭草

That's all we have at the moment.I hope it's enough.

眼下就剩这么多了 希望够用

It's a small circle-Founding families, a few city officials.

只需要给一部分人用 创始人家族 一些官员

And your deputies, of course, right?Are we any closer?

当然还有你的副手们 对吧 案子有进展吗

I think our facts are wrong.


We've always believed that vampires can only come out in the dark.

我们一直以为 吸血鬼只会在晚上出没

What if that's changed?Is--is that even possible?

如果情况变了怎么办 有可能吗

We've exhausted every other option.


We have to consider the vampire may be walking around during the day

我们必须考虑到 吸血鬼也有可能光天化日之下

right in front of us.So what's the next step?

在我们面前晃悠 那么接下来怎么办呢

We're now looking at anyone new to town since the deaths began.

现在正调查从死亡事件开始 镇上新来的人

Should turn up a suspect or two.


And I of course will do anything I can to help.

