《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第6期:愚蠢的问题(在线收听

You up?No.No.Why haven't you called me back?

起床了吗 没有 不要 为什么不回我电话

I'm sorry.Are you gonna stay in there forever?

对不起 你要在床上待一辈子吗

Yep.Move over.I'm officially worried.What's going on?

是的 挪过去点 我真的很担心你 怎么回事

I'm tired of thinking, of talking.

我厌倦了思考 谈论

Can I get a one-line version So I can at least pretend be helpful?

能不能一句话总结 好让我至少能假装给点安慰

Stefan and I broke up.I'm so sorry.Are you ok?Right. Stupid question.

我跟斯特凡分手了 真遗憾 你还好吧 好吧 我问了个蠢问题

I know I've been kind of M.I.A. When you need me the most.

我知道当你最需要我的时候 我却无影无踪

I suck.You wanna make it up to me?

我太不够朋友了 想补偿我吗

Get my mind off of it.Just remember you asked for it.

解开我的心结吧 记得是你要求我的哦

Uh, be patient.OK I need to swear you to secrecy.

耐心点 好吧 我要你发誓保密

It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff.


Swear, 'cause I'm not supposed to be showing you this.

要发誓 因为本来我不该给你演示这个的

Ok. I swear.Ok, there's no windows open, right?

好吧 我发誓 窗户都关了 没有风 对吧

Right.There's no fan, no air conditioning.

是的 这里没有风扇 没有空调

None. What are you doing?Grams just showed me this.

确实没有 你要干嘛 外婆刚教会了我新魔法

You're gonna love it.You ready?

你会喜欢的 准备好了吗
