《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第12期:简直太美了(在线收听

I want you to know That I will always be here for you.

我要你知道 我会一直在你身边支持你

You can come to me about anything, ok?

你有任何事都可以来找我 好吗

Well, thank you for coming by.


Hey, do you need a ride to the Grill tonight?

嘿 要我载你去格尔酒吧吗

Are you going to caroline's party?


Lexi's dragging me.And...It's my birthday.

莱希非让我去 还有... 今天我生日

Really?Happy birthday then.

真的吗 那就祝你生日快乐啦

Thank you.Actually, I, um I think I'm gonna stay in tonight.

谢谢 实际上 我...今晚我想待在家里

Ok.Well, have-- Have a good night.Bonnie!

那好吧 祝你有个愉快的夜晚 邦妮

Hey, I've been looking for you.I'm totally sorry to do this.

我一直在找你 首先我要说我很抱歉

I know it's so indian giver And I know we're not even supposed to say that anymore,

我知道给别人东西又要回来很恶心 而且我们不该再提这事儿了

But I need my crystal back.Why? You said you hated it.

但是我得要回我的水晶 为什么 你说你不喜欢它

Then I saw it on you And I realized how great it is.

但是当我看到你戴着它 我觉得它简直太美了

and I've got, like, 3 outfits I can coordinate it with, so


I can't give it back to you.Ok.

我不能还给你 那好

Uh, well, I didn't want to have to tell you this


But I'm your friend. When you wear it,It makes you look fat.

但我是你朋友 当你戴上它时 让你显得很胖

There. I said it,But it's because I'm your friend, so

就是这样 我说了 可那是因为我是你的朋友

I'm sorry. Caroline, I can't.

卡罗琳 对不起 我不能还你
