《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第8集第15期:浴巾女孩(在线收听

Caroline - Don't talk to me.

卡罗琳 别和我说话

Don't do that. Let me explain.

别这样 听我解释

Well, what is there to explain, Bonnie?

有什么好解释的 邦妮

Ok, you got what you wanted, yeah,

好吧 你得到了你想要的

And something that doesn't even belong to you, by the way.


And I get called, a shallow, useless, waste of space.


Who said that to you?


Well, who do you think? You know that's not true.

你认为呢 你知道不是那样的

Don't let him treat you like that.


Yeah, as opposed to how my best friend treats me.

是啊 我最好的朋友对我多"好"啊

Two shots of tequila.Make that three.

两杯龙舌兰酒 三杯吧

You know, I need to see some I.D.


No, you don't.That'll be, uh Free.

不 不需要 价钱一共是.免费

On the house.Thanks.Ah, the famous Elena.

免费提供 谢谢 传闻中的埃琳娜

Towel girl.I've been called worse.Here.

浴巾女孩 我有被叫过更糟的外号 给你
