《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第9集第3期:秘密组织(在线收听

Good morning, everyone.Alrighty.Are you alright?Alaric Saltzman.

大家早上好啊 好吧 你还好吧 阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼

It's a mouthful. I know.Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

很拗口吧 我知道的 确实不太好念

Saltzman is of German origins.My family emigrated here in 1755 to Texas.

萨尔茨曼是个德国姓氏 我的家族1755年移民到德克萨斯州

I, however, was born and raised in Boston.

不过 我出生在波士顿并在那里长大

Now, the name Alaric Belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough.

关于我的名字 阿拉里克 是我一个老祖先的名字 一个让我十分景仰的祖先

You'll probably want to pronounce it "Ala-ric,"But it's "A-lar-ic," ok?

你们可能错念成奥拉里克 但正确读音是阿拉里克 明白吗

So you can call me Rick.I'm your new history teacher.Rise and shine.

你们可以叫我里克 我是你们新任历史老师 太阳照屁股喽

You'll be late for school.What are you... what are you doin'?Peace offering.

上学要迟到了 你 你想干什么 和好吧

Come on. You need it for blood circulation.

拜托 能促进你的血液循环

Does dead flesh good.All right, I'm sorry.Step aside, please.

对身体很有好处哦 好吧 我错了 请别挡路

I got the town off our back.It was for the greater good, but I'm sorry.

现在镇上人绝不会对我们起疑心 对大家都好 不过我还是要说声抱歉

And to prove it,I'm not gonna feed on a human for at least a week.

为表诚意 我保证至少一周内 不再喝人血

I'll adopt the Stefan diet,Only nothin' with feathers.

我会采用老弟你的食谱 不过不吃那些带毛的动物

'Cause I realize that killing your closest And oldest friend is beyond evil,

我觉得杀掉你最亲密 交情最深的老朋友简直就是十恶不赦

And yet somehow, It's worthy of humor.Are you mimicking me?Yes, Stefan.

不过还是觉得 很有笑料 你在模仿我吗 没错 斯特凡

Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back,

既然仇杀吸血鬼的秘密组织 不会再来找我们麻烦了

I can go back to my routine,how can i destroy Stefan's life this week。

我也可以回归从前 继续思索这周如何折磨斯特凡。
