《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第9集第7期:关于那块水晶(在线收听

Ok, it's your last chance.

好了 这是你最后的机会了

I'm gonna scream.Oh, no, don't do that. Let's stay on point.

我要喊了 哦 不 千万别 我们说正事吧

Listen, I want my necklace.You can't have it.

听着 把我的项链还我 你休想拿到

Well, I can't take it, but you can give it to me.

我是抢不到 但是你可以给我啊

I'm trying to help you here.I don't want your help.

我是在帮你啊 没那个必要

You do want my help, and you don't even know it.


You know why, you little witch?

你知道为什么吗 小女巫

'Cause you have stumbled into something You need to stumble out of.

因为你卷入了一些可怕的事 你现在抽身尚且来得及

Just leave me alone, or I swear I'll.Ooh. Don't. No threats.

别烦我 不然我保证 少来这一套

Look-A...You hurt me last time.B...I wish you no harm.

听着 第一 你上次弄伤了我 第二 我也是为你好

Believe it or not, Bonnie, I wanna protect you.

邦妮 不管你相不相信 我想保护你

Let me help you get Emily off your back.


How do you know about her?


I know a lot of things And I know more about that crystal than you do

我知道的远不止这个 关于那块水晶 我知道的比你可多多了

And I know that she's using it to creep inside of you.

而且我知道她正在用它 潜进你的身体

See how scared you are?


And you should be, because I will get that crystal,

你的确该感到害怕 因为我迟早会拿到那块水晶

Even if I have to wait for Emily to give it to me herself.


So next time she comes out to play You tell her...

所以 下次她出现的时候 你告诉她

That deal's a deal.He's bad news, Elena.He really scared me.

说话要算数 他简直就是噩梦 埃琳娜 他真的吓到我了

You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible.


I'm trying. he just keeps showing up.I don't want you to be alone.

我也想啊 但是他一直纠缠我 我不想你一个人待着

You're sleeping at my place tonight.We can make a whole night out of it.

你今晚过来睡吧 我们可以用一整晚来理清这个事情
