《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第9集第8期:一条项链(在线收听

Where are you going?Are you ok?Now I am.All my problems were because of that thing.

你要去哪儿 你没事吧 现在没事了 全部都是那块水晶惹的祸

Can't believe I didn't do that sooner.What's your grams gonna say?

我早该把它给扔了 不知道你外婆知道了会怎样

Grams isn't the one being haunted by a 150-year-old ghost, is she?

又不是她被那个150岁的鬼缠身 对吧

Ok, then.I like a man who can dine alone.A quiet strength.

那好吧 我喜欢单独用餐的人 很有魅力

I thought you were still in that whole Logan depression thing.


Oh, I've sworn off men forever But it doesn't mean I can't observe them from a safe distance.

我已经发誓永远不碰男人 但那并不表示我不能远远地看男人

Well, I can introduce you.Thanks for coming.

我可以介绍你们认识 谢谢你能来

I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important.

事关紧要 否则我也不会打电话找你

I know that.He threatened her, Stefan.What would Damon want with Bonnie?

我知道 他威胁她 斯特凡 达蒙想从邦妮那里得到什么呢

She has this necklace. Caroline got it from Damon

她有条项链 卡罗琳从达蒙那里得到的

And she gave it Bonnie And now Damon wants it back.

然后她给了邦妮 现在达蒙要回去

He's tormenting her.Over a necklace.It's not just any necklace.

他不停地在折磨她 就为了一条项链 那不是普通的项链

It has to do with Bonnie's heritage.


It belonged to one of her ancestors Who lived here during the civil war.

曾经是她的一个祖先的 她在南北战争的时候住在这里

When you and Damon lived here.Her name was Emily.

那个时候你和达蒙也住在这里 她名叫艾米莉

She was Katherine's handmaid Who lived here during the civil war.

是凯瑟琳的侍女 也是一名女巫
