《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第9集第11期:插不上话(在线收听

Screw Damon.Are we doing manicures or what?

蒙去死吧 我们是来修指甲还是干什么

who has their kit?Mine's in my bag.So, Elena... hmm?

谁有指甲刀 我的在包里 那么...埃琳娜

How long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last?


Is it like a permanent thing?I don't know, Caroline.

难道是永久的吗 我不知道 卡罗琳

Heh. Why are you such a little liar, Bonnie?

嘿 邦妮 你为何要做个大骗子

What? Caroline!I'm not lying to you, Caroline. I swear.

什么 卡罗琳 我没有骗你 卡罗琳 我发誓

It's true. I watched her throw it into a field.

是真的 我看她把项链扔到野外的

Well, then explain it.Emily.Who's Emily? The ghost.

那这怎么解释 艾米莉 谁是艾米莉 -那个鬼魂

Oh, the ghost has a name now?Caroline, please.I wonder why she won't leave me alone.

那个鬼魂现在有名字了 卡罗琳 别这样 我很奇怪她为什么总缠着我

Ok, what is going on?Why am I not a part of this conversation?

好了 现在是什么状况 为什么我总是插不上话

You guys do this to me all the time.That's not true.Yes, it is.

你们总这样对我 不是这样的 -是这样的

I can't talk to you. You don't listen.That's not true.I'm a witch.And don't we all know it?

我跟你没法谈 你都不听我说话 才不是呢 我是个女巫 我们不早就知道了吗

See? That's what I'm talking about.

瞧 我说了吧

I'm trying to tell you something. You don't even hear it.

我想告诉你一些事情 可你听都不听

I listen.When do I not listen?Jeremy totally ditched me.Where'd he go?

我听着呢 我什么时候没听呢 杰里米完全把我抛弃了 他去哪了

Home. It's not far. He can walk it.

回家 离这不远 他可以走回去

So are you... are you from here? Are you a townie?

那你是本地人 还是从城里来的

I'm a returnee.Left town for a while. Now I'm back.Why'd you leave? - school.

我是个返乡者 离开过一段时间 现在回来了 为什么离开 去上学
