NBC晚间新闻 美国一女性在哥斯达黎加神秘失踪(在线收听

For Karla Stefaniak, It seemed like a great vacation. Second day, in hot springs. Videos taken in the days before she disappeared showing her in Costa Rica for her 36th birthday with her sister-in-law April Burton. They stayed at a remote Airbnb in San Antonio De Escazu. Rode motorcycles and went surfing. Karla was supposed to leave last Wednesday but never made her flight. We just want her back. We just want her to come home.

April had returned to Florida the day before. Karla was staying one more night. We truly believe she has been taken, because my sister is not the kind of person that just disappears. According to family Karla was seen leaving the Airbnb. The morning she was supposed to go home but never got to the airport. She had completely disconnected from social media, from WhatsApp. And it's very unlike her. I just want to find her. Laura Jaime was supposed to pick Karla up in Miami. Carla's brother has gone to Costa Rica hoping the police even tourists can help solve the mystery.

对卡拉·史提芬尼克(Karla Stefaniak)来说,这似乎是一个很棒的假期。度假第二天,我们现在在温泉城。这些视频是她失踪前几天拍摄的,她当时正和嫂子艾谱莉·伯顿在哥斯达黎加庆祝她36岁的生日。她们住在圣安东尼奥德埃斯卡祖的一个偏远的空中食宿酒店。在那里,她们骑摩托车,冲浪游玩。按计划卡拉应于上周三离开那里,但是她一直没有登机回来。我们只是想让她回来,我们想让她回家。艾谱莉于周二回到佛罗里达州,卡拉则在那里多呆一天。我们确信有人绑架了她,因为我妹妹不是那种自己突然消失的人。据卡里的家人说,有人看到卡拉离开了空中食宿酒店,按计划她应于那天早上回家,但是那之后她一直没有赶到机场。她在WhatsApp等社交媒体上完全消失了,这根本不是她的为人。按计划劳拉·杰米应在迈阿密机场接到卡拉。我就是想找到她。卡拉的哥哥现在已赶往哥斯达黎加,他希望警方还有游客能帮助他找到卡拉。
