NBC晚间新闻 服务犬和其主人一同获得毕业证书(在线收听

At Clarkson University's graduation, wearing a cap and gown he really didn't like so much, Griffin the golden retriever walked with his diploma. He attended every single class, he's the one who helped me get through school. Owner Britney Holly earned her master's degree in occupational therapy Saturday. She suffers with a chronic pain disorder and says Griffin got her to the finish line. He is really shy, really really shy dog. He was someone I could talk to about pain and not be judged.

In addition to lending a floppy ear, the trained service dog can turn lights off and on, get things out of the fridge, assists with a wheelchair, and follows a laser pointer to retrieve things like a cell phone in an emergency. If I need help he's got me because he loves me unconditionally. And speaking of love, Brittany is recently engaged. Griffin helped with that too. Her fiance works for the service dog agency where she got him. He represents independence and love, he gave me the ability to live my life alone. But in life's small moments and big ones too, we are all better with a little help from our friends.

