澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 丰田面临集体诉讼 澳大利亚猪肉价格飙升(在线收听

The top stories today.


Firefighters are continuing to battle out-of-control bushfires stretching from the New South Wales Mid North Coast over the border into Queensland as they prepare for a worsening weather conditions today. Of particular concern are the stock yard flat fire near Yarrawich. That's to the west of Port Macquarie and a fire to the west of Taree. Total fire bans remain in effect across several parts of New South Wales.


The federal government is defending its $1 billion drought assistance package amid criticism from the Labor Party that it doesn't go far enough. The shadow agriculture minister says he wants to see more detail of water destined for Adelaide to grow fodder and argues the cheap loans will do little to help struggling communities.


Car manufactures is caught up in what's been described as a widespread issue with diesel filters. A class action against Toyota alleges it sold customers cars with faulty particulate filters. Lawyers say there could be similar cases against other car makers including Subaru and Volkswagen.


And pork prices in Australia are surging on the back of increased demand in China as African swine flu continues create a global shortage of meat. The ongoing drought has seen a reduction in numbers with the dry conditions forcing feed supply to drive up the prices of grain.

