《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第10集第5期:大开杀戒(在线收听

Did you just... No, I swear.Thank you for stopping by.

是不是你 我发誓没有 谢谢你专程赶过来

Let me know what you come up with.Absolutely.

有什么情况一定要告诉我 一定

What is wrong with you? You killed somebody?

你怎么回事啊 又大开杀戒了吗

Get off of me.A--don't touch me.

放开我 别碰我

B--if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it.

二 如果我杀了 我不会露出马脚

C--there's another vampire in town.That's impossible. Obviously not.

三 镇上还有其他吸血鬼 不可能 显然就是有

Then who could it be?Ah, what do we care?We're leavin' anyway, right?

会是谁呢 不关我们的事 反正我们要离开了

No, I can't leave now, and you know that.

不 你知道我现在不能走

How are we supposed to find this person?


Let the adults handle this, Stefan.See you later, ok?

就交给大人来处理吧 斯特凡 那回见咯

Bye. Bye.We need to talk.So what's up with you and Forbes?

拜 拜 我们得谈谈 你和福布斯是怎么回事

Nothin's up.I saw you two in the hall today.Don't even try and deny it, bro.

没什么啊 我今天在大厅见到你俩 伙计 别说你俩没猫腻

You're tappin' that. No, it's not like that.Never is till you become "we people."

你在追她 不 不是那样 现在死不承认 以后说话都全是"我们"

"We people"?"we can't make it to the party."

"我们"? 没错 "我们不能去参加派对"

"We'll never miss a game.""We don't like the color red."

"我们不会错过游戏" "我们都不喜欢红色"

We hung out, like, twice.Like I said, "we."

我们就出去玩了两次而已 听听 你刚刚就说了"我们"
