《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第11集第7期:产生恐惧的根源(在线收听

Thank god you're back.And hello to you, too.

你总算回来了 你也好啊

What's the matter?My powers are gone, grams.I can't do anything,Even when I concentrate.

出什么事了 我的魔力没了 外婆 我什么都做不了 即使集中精力也不行

And there's nothing in any of these books that can tell me how to get them back.

这些书里面 也没有什么方法 可以让我找回魔力

Hang on, now. Just calm down.Tell me what happened.I can't.

别慌 先冷静下来 告诉我发生了什么事 不行

We keeping secrets now?I have to. I'm sorry. I promised.Please help me.

你现在竟对我保密了吗 我也不想啊 我答应要保密的 求您帮我

Well, first of all,there's nothing in any of these that's gonna help you.

首先 你翻遍所有书也是没用的

If you're blocked, it's in here.You gotta clear it out then you're back in business.

你感觉受阻 是因为你有心结 你得把它从脑子里清除 然后你的魔力就回来了

Clear what out?Whatever's got you so scared.Hi, Jenna. I'm so sorry.

清除什么 让你产生恐惧的根源 珍娜 对不起

Where are you?Why didn't you call?I was so tired last night.I fell asleep at Bonnie's.

你在哪里 你怎么不打电话回来 昨晚太累了 我在邦妮家睡了

And then this morning, I just wanted to get to school.Are you ok?You know, Stefan and stuff.

今天早上我就直接去学校了 你没事吧 你知道 就斯特凡那烦心事

Come on,there's gotta be another way.After all these years, it's still only Katherine.

别这样 肯定还有其他办法 那么多年过去了 你心里仍只有凯瑟琳

How do you even know she's still alive?


Well, you help me get into that tomb and we'll find out.

你帮我进到那个古墓里去 我们就会知道了

I already did.20 years ago. Remember?3 easy steps-- Comet. Crystal. Spell.

我帮过你了 还记得吗 20年前 3个步骤 彗星 水晶 咒语

There's a little problem with number 2.I don't have the crystal.

第二步有点小问题 我没有水晶

That's it, Damon.There is no other way. It's Emily's spell.

那不就得了 达蒙 没有其他方法了 那可是艾米莉的咒语

What about a new spell with a new crystal that overrides Emily's spell?

那我们采用新的咒语 新的水晶 破除艾米莉的咒语可以吗

It doesn't work that way, baby.Emily's spell is absolute.You can't get into that tomb.

那样是行不通的 宝贝 艾米莉的咒语是无法破除的 你不可能进到墓里
