澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 白宫扣留乌克兰援助被指违法(在线收听

Heavy storms have dampened some of the country's firegrounds giving crews the chance to strengthen containments lines but the rainfalls are not enough to extinguish major blazes. There were big downpours across New South Wales. Emergency services received almost 200 call outs across the state, with thousands losing power in the Hunter Valley. But for many the rain was cause for celebration, these children in the southern tablelands used deluge as an excuse to get muddy. It was the first time they's seen rain in six months.


Authorities are investigating a near mid-air collision between two Qantas planes at Sydney airport. A preliminary safety report has found the two jet's came within 152 metres of each other last August. Qantas says even if both aircraft stayed on the same flight paths, they were not in danger of colliding.


The White House has violated federal law in withholding aid to the Ukraine according to a us federal watchdog agency. Meanwhile a key figure in the scandal that led to Donald Trump's impeachment has claimed the president had full knowledge of a plan to pressure Ukraine for political gain. The impeachment trial has now formally begun, with charges being read out in the Senate.


Sir David Attenborough has warned that the moment of climate crisis has arrived and Australia's bushfire disaster is a clear example of that. The British naturalist has criticised climate change deniers and is urging countries around the world to act now before it's too late.

