澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚禁止公民出境旅游 世卫组织称美国或成全球疫情"震中"(在线收听

The federal government has announced tough new measures overnight, aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus. From midnigh tonight, there will be a ban on all foreign travel, and the nation-wide crackdown on social gatherings will be extended. Weddings can still go ahead, but the guest list is limited to five and no more than ten mourners will be able to attend a funeral. Galleries, museums, food courts and beauty salons will all close, and all indoor sporting activities will be restricted. But the prime minister is standing firm on the decision to keep schools open, despite more than 21-hundred confirmed cases in Australia now have been confirmed.


Across the world, more than 17-thousand people have now died after contracting COVID-19. The UK saw a 20 percent spike in coronavirus deaths pushing the country's death toll above 400. The number of deaths in Italy continues to climb, 743 people died there overnight, that brings the nationwide total to almost seven thousand. And in Spain, more than five-thousand healthcare workers have been diagnosed with the virus, making up 15 percent of the country's 40-thousand cases. In Madrid, the mortuaries are overflowing forcing authorities to use ice rinks to store the growing list of coffins.


The World Health Organisation has issued a stark warning to the United States saying it has the potential to become the next global epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak. The situation in America has accelerated quickly, with more than 46-thousand cases and nearly 600 deaths. President Trump has begun shifting his attention to re-starting business after the 15 day shut-down, but health experts are warning against easing restrictions too quickly.

