澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 全球新冠肺炎确诊病例接近100万例 美国单周申请失业救助人数超660万(在线收听

A milestone in the coronavirus pandemic is being reached this morning, with the worldwide number of infections nearing one million people. More than 5,100 of those are in Australia, where the national cabinet is meeting today, to ramp up its COVID-19 response. Another two fatalities have been linked to the Ruby Princess cruise ship, which is still off the coast of New South Wales. It's one of 21 cruise ships being monitored by border force, with officials refusing to allow those on board to disembark.


More than fifty thousand people have now died from COVID-19 around the world. More than half of those deaths have occurred in Italy, Spain and the United States. 10-thousand people have died in Spain — 950 in the past day alone, which is the highest daily toll in the world. The World Health Organization is considering whether to suggest new guidance on wearing face masks in public, to slow the spread of the virus. In total, 200-thousand people have recovered from the illness.


Shocking new figures have revealed that more than six point six million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week. In just two weeks, almost 10 million jobs in the United States have disappeared due to the pandemic. The country currently has the largest outbreak of coronavirus, with more than 220-thousand cases. The worst hit region — New York City — is set to run out of ventilators in six days time.

