澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 英国首相约翰逊治愈出院 数百万基督徒网上庆祝复活节(在线收听

More than 400 people have landed back in Melbourne overnight, onboard a charter flight from New Delhi. They'll now spend the next two weeks in quarantine in the city's hotels. Elsewhere, key regional hospitals in Tasmania's north west will close this morning, as the state graples with an outbreak amongst health workers. And rent relief is on the cards for people in New South Wales, with the government unveiling a 440-million dollar package to help tenants affected by COVID-19.


Boris Johnson has been discharged from hospital as the COVID-19 death toll in the UK surpasses ten thousand. In a video message the British prime minister thanked the healthcare workers who saved his life, saying it "could have gone either way."


And millions of Christians around the world have celebrated Easter Sunday online. Pope Francis delivered his Easter address from behind closed doors, calling for global solidarity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Some worshippers preached from roof tops, others attended drive-in churches. In Italy opera singer Andrea Bocelli has performed a live concert at Milan's empty Duomo Cathedral.

