澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 国外暗网出售新冠康复者血浆 美国一季度经济下滑4.8%(在线收听

Tasmania and the Northern Territory are expected to move to the next phase of their coronavirus responses today, in a growing sign Australia is on the road to recovery. Fewer than one-thousand cases remain active across the country, with just 17 new infections in the past day. South Australia has now recorded a week without a new case. New South Wales remains the country's worst-affected state, and there's deep concern about a serious cluster of infection at the Newmarch House nursing home in western Sydney, where another resident died yesterday.

今天,塔斯马尼亚和北领地将进入冠状病毒应对计划的下一阶段,越来越多的迹象表明,澳大利亚正在逐步复苏。目前澳大利亚全国现有病例不到1000例,过去一天仅有17例新增病例。南澳大利亚州已连续一周无新增病例。新南威尔士州仍是澳大利亚疫情最严重的州,人们对悉尼西部Newmarch House养老院发生的严重群聚感染深感担忧,该养老院昨天又有一名居民死亡。

Blood claimed to be from recovered coronavirus patients is being offered on the Dark Web as a "passive vaccine". Researchers from the Australian national university have uncovered hundreds of illegal coronavirus-related products for sale online. One alleged "cure" was priced at almost 25-thousand dollars.


The coronavirus crisis has caused the US economy to suffer its most severe contraction in more than a decade. The world's largest economy has shrunk by four-point-eight per cent during the first quarter. The US death toll is now nearing 60-thousand people. Meanwhile in the UK, 26 thousand people have died. Britain now has Europe's second highest offical death toll from the pandemic.


At least 38 people have been killed with more feared dead, in a fire at a South Korean construction site. The blaze in Icheon was caused by an explosion of flammable material being used to build a warehouse.

