《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第11集第12期:大家心照不宣(在线收听

Well, now, look who's returned from battle Can I talk to your friend for minute?

瞧瞧 是谁凯旋归来了 我能和你朋友谈会吗

Thank you.I appreciate your help, Stefan.You're welcome,Sheila.

谢谢你 我很感激你的帮助 斯特凡 不用谢 希拉

I wasn't sure you remembered.October 1969.I was barely a teenager.

我之前不确定你还记得我 1969年10月 我当时还只是少女

And you were leading what was probably the only anti-war sit-in within miles of Mystic Falls.

但你已经在领导或许是 神秘瀑布镇史上唯一的一次反战静坐

You know when you spoke,people were mesmerized.I know I was.Until the cops showed up.

当你说话的时候 大家都被迷住了 我肯定是被迷住了 直到警察过来

You took a big risk coming to see me earlier.Letting me read you, realizing who you were.

你之前过来看我冒了很大的险 让我感应你 知道你是谁

It could have gone a completely different way.


Your family has a very long history secret of keeping my secret

你家人很早 就开始保守我的秘密

I knew that I could trust you if you believed that I was worthy of trust.

我知道我可以信任你 只要我首先让你觉得我值得信任就行

Bonnie knows, doesn't she?Yes Please understand our loyalty can only extend so far.

邦妮知道 对吧 是的 请你理解我们的忠诚只能到此了

This town won't be easy on any of us if they figure it out.

如果镇上的人知道 我们会全部遭殃

And I'll protect my own before anybody else.I know that.

我得先保护我的家人 明白

As long as we're clear.Good night, then.Good night, Sheila.

大家心照不宣 那么 晚安 晚安 希拉
