《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第11集第17期:别想跟我搞冷战(在线收听

For me to go any further,I would've had to look into the Pierce family,And I couldn do that.

我要想了解更多的话 我就得调查皮尔斯家族 但我不能那么做

It's too much of a risk,If someone found out I was asking about Katherine.

那太危险了 不能让别人知道我在打听凯瑟琳

Listen to me, it doesn't matter.You are the woman that I love.I love you.

听我说 这都无所谓 你就是我爱的女人 我爱你

I don't set a lot of rules, Elena.Not with you.I trust you to tell me the truth.

我不是个喜欢立规矩的人 埃琳娜 至少对你没有 你相信你会对我说实话

Where were you? Why would you lie to me about it?I thought that we were closer than that.

你到哪里去了 为什么要说谎 我以为我们很亲密 不会有谎言

Now is not the time you want to talk to me about lies.Don't do that. Don't turn this back on me.

你还好意思跟我提谎言 别这样 别想跟我搞冷战

I didn't do anything.Ok, question...Am I adopted?

我什么都没做过 那我问你 我是被收养的吗

I trust you to tell me the truth too, Jenna.

我相信你会对我说实话 珍娜

How could you not tell me?I thought we were closer than that.

你怎么能瞒着我 我以为我们很亲密 不会有谎言

Elena, I didn't...They asked me not to.I don't want to hear it.I love you.I'm going to be late tonight.

埃琳娜 不是我 是他们不让我说的 我不想听 我爱你 我今天晚些回家
