《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第12集第8期:方法值得一试(在线收听

How did he get in?He was invited in.

他是怎么进来的 有人邀请他进来的

He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night.


Well, he gets points for that.


Did he say what he wanted?


No. He was too busy trying to kill me.

没有 他一心只想杀我

And you have no idea who this is?No.

而你对此人也一无所知吗 是的

Don't look at me like that.


I told you we had company.


You think there's more than one?We don't know.

你们觉得他还有同伙吗 我们还不清楚

Damon, he was invited in.

达蒙 有人邀请他进来了

Then we go get him tonight.


You up for it?What do I have to do?

你要参加吗 我需要做什么

Let your boyfriend take you to the dance hall.


We'll see who shows up.That's a bad idea.

我们看看谁会出现 这是个馊主意

Till we get him, this house isn't safe.

除非我们抓到他 否则家里也不安全

For anyone who lives in it.It's worth a shot.I'll do it.

住在这里的人都有危险 所以我的方法值得一试 我愿意去做

I'll be with the two of you. I'll be safe.

我会紧跟着你们俩 不会有问题的
