《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第12集第17期:美好的感觉(在线收听

Look, this thing we've got,it's nice, and it feels really good,and I know you wanna take the next step.

听着 现在我们之间的关系 很愉快 感觉很不错 我知道你想要更进一步

How do you know that?and I know you wanna take the next step.I'm--I'm not over Elena.

你是怎么知道的 你问过我了吗 我还是忘不了埃琳娜

I mean, I don't know if I am,but if we go there,

我是说 我不确定是不是这样 不过如果我们更进一步

then it could mess things up,and we might lose this,

事情就会变得很乱 我们可能会失去现在的感觉

And this is the only good thing i've got going for me right now.


So if it doesn't work, I'll just disappoint you and hurt you, and I don't wanna do that.

如果我们在一起不合适 我会让你失望 伤害到你 而我不想那样

Well, big problem, Matt,Because you took the next step all by yourself,

问题大了 马特 因为你所谓的更进一步完全是你一个人的预想

And you played the whole thing out in your head,


And you decided to bail before even giving it a shot.

在尚未尝试前 就先决定脱身

So this really great thing that we have,Don't worry about losing it,'cause it's already gone.

所以我们之间的那种美好感觉 别担心会失去它 因为它已经消失了

Thank you.I needed that.Well, thank you for--for coming.

谢谢 我需要那个 谢谢你能来

I--I really appreciate it.You made the evening much more Well, you made it, period.

我真是非常感激 你让这个夜晚变得更加 你做到了 不多说了

I'm glad I could help.And thank you for putting up with all that wife talk.

很高兴能帮上忙 也谢谢你忍受我说了一堆我妻子的事

I--I gotta stop doing that.It doesn't bode well for dating.

我以后一定不再提她 那对约会来说可不好

Is that what this was, a date?No, definitely not a date.But Friday...

今晚难道是个约会吗 不 当然不是约会 但周五

You, me, and dinner and a movie,That could be a date.

你我可以一起吃晚餐 看电影 那可以是个约会

How 'bout it?Works for me.Uh, you can talk about your wife all you want.

你觉得怎样 我同意 只要你想 依然可以谈你妻子的事

It's gonna take time to heal.We should just be ourselves.

你的悲伤 需要时间来治愈 我们应该保持真性情

Still, I think I'll keep the Isabelle talk to a minimum.

但是 我还是尽量少谈伊泽贝尔吧

Isabelle?Yeah. That was her name.Where was Isabelle from?

伊泽贝尔 是的 那是她的名字 伊泽贝尔是哪里人

Virginia. I mean, not too-not too far from here, actually.

弗吉尼亚 事实上离这儿不远
