NBC晚间新闻 伊朗外长向美国发出警告(在线收听

Just one day after a US-led conference to pressure Iran, the Iranian regime openly advocates another Holocaust and it seeks the means to achieve. Tonight a warning from iran's Foreign Minister. Do you think there's a risk that there will be some sort of war between Iran the United States, Israel? Well, certainly some people who were successful in creating the war last time are hard as it again but I think some sense will prevail and people will find out that it's suicidal to engage in a war with Iran.

We also asked if he would take up President Trump on his offer to potentially renegotiate the nuclear deal. Why should we trust President Trump that he would abide by his own signature? Zarif also told us that Iran is now reinvestigating two of its failed missile launches to see if they may have been covertly sabotaged by the US.

就在以美国为首的向伊朗施压的会议召开一天后,伊朗政权就公开鼓吹另一场大屠杀,并且他们正在寻找实现它的方式。今晚,伊朗外长发出了警告。你认为伊朗和美国、以色列之间有爆发某种战争的风险吗? 当然,上次成功发动这场战争的一些人,现在又遇到了同样的困难,但是我觉得理智会占上风,人们会发现,向伊朗开战会有毁灭性的后果。 我们也问道,他是否会接受特朗普总统的提议,来就伊朗核协议进行重新谈判。我们为什么要相信特朗普总统会遵守他自己的签署承诺呢?扎里夫也告诉我们,伊朗现在正在重新调查其两次导弹发射失败的原因,来查证它们是否被美国秘密地破坏了。
