NBC晚间新闻 Facebook欲转变为注重隐私平台(在线收听

Tonight the world's largest social media site promising a new future centered around privacy and direct messages. Mark Zuckerberg posting plans to shift toward an encrypted closed platform where people can be confident what they say to each other stays secure and their messages and content won't stick around forever. But experts say this isn't a novel concept. Snapchat's been doing it for years and Facebook already owns several private messaging services. It's not as if these products are totally new and people already use them.

I think it's just more of a, more dramatic focus on the products that maybe Facebook hasn't had in the past. This year Facebook's privacy reputation has taken hit after hit. New research showing users in the U.S. may be logging off for good. A drop of 15 million from 2017 to 2018 and some advertisers also quitting Facebook, one chiding the company's despicable business model, according to CNBC. Facebook now hoping to win back trust, saying they want to put privacy first.

