澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美射杀非裔男子警察被控重罪谋杀恐面临死刑(在线收听

A series of explosive text messages from federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne to former powerbroker Adem Somyurek have been leaked to the media, as Labor internal crisis deepens. A document has been circulated containing dozens of personal texts from Mr Byrne, whose electorate office was used to film covert footage of Mr Somyurek shown on Sunday night's 60 minutes program. In the texts, Mr Byrne reportedly savages former leader Bill Shorten, Victorian premier Daniel Andrews; uses derogatory language about a female MP and staffer, and discusses recruiting various ethnic groups as ALP members. The ABC has not seen the document. Mr Byrne has released a statement, saying Mr Somyurek has selectively released a handpicked selection of his text messages sent over two years, just hours after he revealed he would assist in corruption investigations into the factional heavyweight. Mr Byrne says that speaks for itself.


A free trade deal between Australia and the UK may become a reality. Negotiations have started overnight between the two nations, with Australia wanting better market access for its farmers. Boris Johnson says he's excited about the prospect of closer ties.


The US police officer who shot Rayshard Brooks in Georgia could face the death penalty, after he was charged with felony murder. The 27-year-old was shot in the back after a scuffle with two police officers at a fast-food restaurant on Friday night. One officer faces eleven charges with felony murder carrying a penalty of life without parole, or death. The other officer is facing three charges including standing on Mr Brooks as he was dying.

