NBC晚间新闻 62岁老人登珠峰不幸身亡(在线收听

In a place where climbers are abundant but oxygen is scarce. Adventurers are stuck in a sluggish line waiting to summit mount Everest. Today after reaching the top, 62 year-old Chris Coolish of colorado died while descending. "We are heartbroken at this news," his family says. "He saw his last sunrise from the highest peak on earth." "At that instant he became a member of the seven summit club having scaled the highest peak on each continent." At least 13 climbers have died on Everest this year. Many experienced including Utah's Don Cash and British mountaineer Robin Haynes Fisher who also reached the summit.

"Surprisingly this is hard work." In his final Instagram post Fisher wrote, "with a single route to the summit delays caused by overcrowding could prove fatal." Experts say because of the long line climbers are spending too much time in the so-called death zone, where oxygen is limited. This year Nepal's government issued a record 381 permits. Critics worried too many are inexperienced. The solution is that we need to have much stricter requirements on who climbs mount Everest. Calls for change 29,000 feet high where every minute counts.

这个地方登山者众多,但是氧气稀少。探险者被困在等待登上珠穆朗玛峰的缓慢队伍中。今天,来自科罗拉多州的62岁的克里斯·库立仕登上山顶后,在下山时不幸身亡。他的家人表示,“听到这个消息我们很伤心。他在地球上的最高峰看到了最后一次日出。“在那一刻他成为了登上各大洲的最高峰珠峰峰顶的7个人之一。”今年至少有13名登山者在珠穆拉玛峰上身亡。包括很多经验丰富的登山者,比如犹他州的唐·卡什和同样登上了顶峰的英国登山家罗宾·海恩斯·费舍尔。“令人惊讶的是,这很艰难。”在他最后一篇照片墙帖子中,费舍尔写道, “因为只有一条通往山顶的路线,所以过度拥挤导致的延误可能是致命的。”专家表示,因为队伍很长,所以登山者在这个所谓的死亡区域花费了太多时间,那里氧气有限。今年,尼泊尔政府发放了创记录的381张许可证。评论家担心太多人缺乏经验。解决方案就是,我们需要对攀登珠穆朗玛峰的人有更严格的要求。现在人们呼吁改变。在这座29000英尺高的山峰上每一分钟都很关键。
