澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 推特遭遇比特币骗局 欧巴马和盖茨等名人账户遭黑客入侵(在线收听

These are the top stories from ABC News.


Two men in their 80s have di???ed from coronavirus in Victoria, and the caseload has increased by 317. It's the state's biggest daily increase since the pandemic began. The premier Daniel Andrews says 28 of the new cases are connected to known outbreaks, while 289 are under investigation.


The unemployment rate rose from 7.1 to 7.4 per cent last month. Official figures from the Bureau of Statistics show the rate edged higher despite the addition of almost 211,000 jobs. The Federal Government says more training courses will be available for job seekers within two months. The Commonwealth is contributing 500 million dollars in funding, to be matched by the states, to create 340,000 training spots and short courses. One and a half billion dollars has been pledged to extend wage subsidies for apprentices for another six months and expand it to support more businesses.


And prominent Twitter accounts, including those of former U.S. President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, have been hacked in an apparent bitcoin scam. Billionaires Elon Musk and Bill Gates, as well as technology companies Apple and Uber have been affected. The scam involved posting fake tweets asking people to send donations of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin in the hope of doubling their money.

