澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚新冠肺炎病例增速下降 联邦议会复(在线收听

Queensland authorities are on high alert as they try to contain a COVID-19 outbreak in the state's south-east. Nine cases can now be linked to the cluster at a Brisbane youth detention centre and health officials say next week will be critical as they monitor more than 40 locations visited by the people who tested positive.


New South Wales health says despite lower case numbers there, the virus is continuing to circulate in the community. Four new cases were reported yesterday and authorities are yet to determine how another hotel security guard became infected.


Victorian health officials say they expect to see the continued downward trend of daily COVID case numbers as Melbourne passes the halfway mark of stage 4 restrictions. There were 208 new cases reported yesterday and the chief health officer says he expects the daily number to fall below 150 this week.


Federal parliament returns today for the first time in more than two months. Politicians are being encouraged to wear masks and for the first time those who can't make it to Canberra can take part via video link, although they won't be allowed to vote. The government is expected to face questions about is handling of the COVID-19 crisis in the aged care sector and the future of Jobseeker and Jobkeeper.

